
SOLIS manages the supplying process, having a positive impact on all the others functions of your company. The SOLIS – Suppliers module comes to meet the specific needs of distribution companies and offers solutions and functionalities for each of them.

This module manages and optimizes the supply process, it offers detailed information about products and stock requirements, permits generation of supply documents.

You now have the possibility to set values and parameters wich will then determine every external order sent. Whether it’s a reference order value or an optimum store quantity of a certain product, SOLIS will correlate these informations with the clients orders, offering you a clear general image of external orders necessities.

This module offers the possibility of:

  • real time actualisation of stock necessities, on each supplier, as a result of centralizing the database informations.
  • external orders editing and value verification
  • external orders dispatch
  • order pursuing by ascribing specific status attributes for each of the released external orders
  • order history viewing, separately for each supplier
  • payment management, by bill and credit registering.
  • external orders notifications, when a new order should be dispatched.

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