Chapter 32. Configuration options and extra modules
To modify the system's configuration, please contact Nemesis IT.
The system can be configured:
- not to ask for login
- to allow access rights depending on each user's region
- to permit the user's access to the pages for which no access rights have been defined
- to request the username and password when entering the system
The system can be configured:
- to display the phone numbers as "tel:" URL, for integration with a softphone
- to manage the client's warranties
- to edit and register letters for individual clients
- to compose the client's adress by the unification of the adress, city and region fields.
- Client category - mandatory.
The system can be configured:
- to use a special form for the names of the offers
- to display the "*" character near the available products
- to display a column with the products catalogue price
- to allow the possibility to edit the currency price in the product list of an offer
- to allow the possibility to edit the price in RON in the product list of on offer
- to set the shipment price in the product list of an offer
- to automatically generate the number of documents
- to allow the user to set a commission value
- to allow the possibility of computing the prices in the list according to a total sum for the entire list
- to verify if the user has the right to create an offer with the products of a specific supplier
- to allow a default option from the price printing options (price in EUR including VAT, price in RON without VAT, price in RON with VAT)
- to allow the product description checkbox to be marked by default
- to allow the total checkbox to be checked by default
- to have the quantity checkbox marked by default, when adding a new offer
- the pixel height of the edit text fields (150 pixels by default)
- the allow a general formula for the name of the offer's print version
- Offers having sections
- Exchange rate / offer
- Label (name) for offer total
Orders, vouchers, invoices
The system can be configured
- to add the name of the sales representative on the prin form of the invoice
- to add the sales representative's personal number in a voucher's in invoice's observations field
- to display fields for representative, means of transportation, identity card and personal number when adding a new voucher
- to display the product's expiring date on the voucher, if it's the case
- to display the product's production date on the vouche/invoicer, if it's the case
- to display the date of the batches registration on the voucher/invoice
- to display on the voucher/invoice the aquisition price
- not to display the invoice's prompt
- not to allow the automate complition of batches when adding a voucher/invoice
- to display the editable VAT field in every voucher/invoice
- to allow the exchange rate to be edited in vouchers/invoices
- to allow the payment registration
- to display a maximum number of orders from the client's history
- to manage protocols
- to manage orders with advance payments
- to use a default currency
- to set a discount percent for the products in orders
- to set the height of the introduction and observation text fields
- to display in the order cofirmation only those products which are unavailable for the moment
- to print invoices, not only vouchers
- to choose the format of the print page (A4, A5, etc)
- to use a certain format for the invoice numbers
- to automatically generate numbers for vouchers/invoices
- to display a link to the "Variables" page in the "Add voucher"(invoice)page
- to add automatically client other comments to invoice comments
The system can be configured to:
- automatically generate contract numbers (reset at the end of the year)
- when adding a new contract, to use the "In progress" instead of "Initiated"
- to display informations about the signing notifications
Tha system can be configured to:
- request the product prices when adding them in the catalogue
- to display in the detailed stock window the date of the batches registration
- to display in tha detailed stock page the price with which the products have been imported
- to manage the additional costs of a nir
- to automatically check the lots managemet when adding a product in the catalogue
- the quick edit of the external product code when entering a nir
The system can be configured to:
- to bookeep the supplier's invoices
- to display in the detailed stock page the external orders (the dates of all orders, the delivery date, the quantity)
Product catalogue, prices
The system can be configured:
- to remain in the "Edit product" page after adding a product
- to allow a special price calculation formula
- the default currency of the product catalogue; must be unique. You can choose between EUR, USD, JPY, GBP
- to register the local currency
- to use a special price calculation parameter per product category
The system can be configured:
- to use a template of warranty certificate
To be configured:
- the smtp server
- the smtp user
- the smtp password
- the maximum dimension of an email (1000000 default)