Chapter 28. Constants

A constant is an information which appears in the system in a defined form. Examples of constants: the classes of clients, the contact details of the firm, the introduction and observation texts used by default, the events types, etc.

The constants of the system can be defined in the administration module.

[Note] Acces

Admin -> Constants

In the "Constants" page, you have the complete list af defined constants (id, name, value).

The constants in this list can be edited, the "Name" and "Value" fields are opened.

To modify the value of a constant already used in the system, simply change the entry in the "Value" field, then save your changes.

To remove a constant, mark the delete box corresponding to the constant and click the "Save" button.

To add a new value to a constant (besides the values already assigned), use the open field under the name list to fill in the exact name of the constant and add the new value in the corresponding field. Save your changes.

Use this method to complete the dropdown lists in the system, for example (client category, type of visit, client class, etc).

The types of visits that can be registered in the system are defined in the administration module, as values of the "VISIT_TYPE" constant.

[Important] Important

You can only add new values for the constant already registered in the database.

To define a new constant, contact the SOLIS team.

The list of constants that can be edited:

Company constants:



Orders and invoices

External orders
